Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Night at the Academy

Kazdy ctvrtecni vecer se muze do California Academy of Sciences (CAS) a pokochat se. Je to uzasny zazitek, nejen kvuli tomu, ze si muzes dat koktejl v muzeu, ale taky, protoze CAS je jeden z nejuzasnejsich muzei v San Francisco. Je to asi 4 roky co jsem tam nebyla, protoze predelavali cely muzeum. Pokud budete mit nekdy cestu do San Francisco (a je ti 21 +) tak si tam urcite zajdete!

Every Thursday evening you can go to the California Academy of Sciences & see it. It's a wonderful experience, not only because you can have a drink in a museum but also because the CAS is one the most wonderful museums in San Francisco. It's about 4 years since I've been there, since they've remodeled it. So if you're in San Francisco or you're going (& you're over 21), make sure you go there!

Golden Gate Park

Trochu rozmazany, ale myslim si, ze vam to nevadi ...

A little blured but I think you get the picture ...

Destny prales uvnitr muzea (ano je to zivy)

Rainforest inside a museum (yeah it's real)

Mmm, nevi nekdo jak se jmenuje tenhle had?

Doesn't anyone know what's the name of this snake?

Pokud vas opravdu zajima jak vypada tenhle pavouk, tak si Google. Nevim pokud nekomu vadi pavouky.

If you really care what the spider looks like then you can Google it. I don't know if anyone minds spiders or not.

nejuzasnejsi anakonda

the most wonderful anaconda

Vezmete vytah dolu a jste v obklopeny obrovskou akvarkou

You take an elevator down & you are surrounded by a huge aquarium

uhor/ eel

Pendulum, ale planetarium je uzavreny pro ti, kteri nemaji prekoupeny listek

Pendulum, but the planetarium is closed to those who do not have a reserved ticket

The famous albino aligator

Asi nejlepsi fotka vystavena

Probably the best photo exhibited

shoes ~ MIA

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