Monday, April 30, 2012

Sweet Summer Bohemia

photos by

Everything is about sugar this Spring/ Summer. Like every year. Except that the outfits slightly change depending on who has the most sugary outfit for the season. I can't really wear pastels since I look like I have syphilis because I have olive skin.  So I have to be careful. Nonetheless! I still love those colors and they always seem to bring a bit of Spring into your soul. Remember though, it's no use what you are wearing or what colors you are wearing if you: 
a) let the clothes wear you. You have to wear the clothes! 
b) if you don't smile and look constipated

Letos je na Jaro/ Leto vsechno o cukru. Jako kazdy rok. Ledaze se trosku meni podle navrhare, ktery ma nejpocukrovanejsi obleceni pro letosni sezonu. Nemuzu moc nosit pastelove barvy, protoze pak vypadam jako kdybych mela syfilis, protoze mam olivovou plet'. Takze pozor, pozor! Nicmene! Stejne miluji ty barvy a oni vzdycky jsou schopny prinest trohu jara do tve duse. Ale pamatujte si, je to uplne k nicemu co mate na sobe nebo jake barvy nosite pokud:
a) vy nechavate obleceni nosit vas. Vy musite nosit to obleceni!
b) pokud se neusmivate a vypadate jako kdyby jste meli zacpu

Ne to nejsem ja ... / No it's not me ...

La - di - da - daaa... 

to je ale krasny zivot skrz ruzovych bryli za 60 kc z Gate

what a wonderful view I have through pink lens for 60 kc from Gate

Na teto miste by se hodil i piknik ... nemyslim na vode ... i kdyz proc si nepostavit mini parnik..?

Wouldn't it be great to have a picnic here? ... I mean not on the water ... but then again why not build a mini boat?

Co mit piknik jako tenhle? / How about a picnic like this?

Holky se ptali co to mam ve vlasech ... ja si myslim, ze to vypada jako satek s kytkou ...

Some girls were asking what do I have in my hair ... well I think I looks like a scarf with a flower ...

*zavist* ma vice kytek ve vlasech

*jealous* she has more flowers in her hair

Neni zivot sladky? / Isn't life sweet?

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