Friday, May 18, 2012

Dancing with Life

Dead I am not. Halloween it is not. Yet I like to visit graves and look at the names of the people who once were, sort of a Nietzschean moment - what is life? Well, life is about enjoying everything. I mean everything - the sad moments, the fun moments, the moments of death and the moments of life. 
Besides all the philosophical moments in life which are to come, there are also moments in life when you just don't think about anything and dance with the dead.

Mrtva nejsem. Halloween neni. Jen rada navstevuji hroby a koukam se na jmena zesnulych, kteri jednou byli a uz nejsou - trosku moment Nietzsche - co je zivot? Dobra, zivot je o uzivani se vseho co je nabidnuto. A ja myslim uplne vse - smutne momenty, srandovni momenty, momenty kdy nastane smrt a momenty zivota. Krome tech vsech filozofickych momentu, ktere prichazeji, jsou take momenty v zivote kdy nepremyslis o nicem a jen tancujes s mrtvymi.

everywhere I look, no one around

koukam koukam, nikde nikdo

Ow, that did not work out too well for me / Au, to mi trochu nevyslo 

radost / happiness

Enjoy Life!

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