Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Barrandov Betty

What a dreary day it can be!
But hey, do not dismay!
You know you can play Barbie ...

Well, that was my attempt to follow the footsteps of Amy Allen, who wrote a fantastic version of nursery rhymes for the inner {& outer} fashionista ~ This Little Piggy Went to Prada: Nursery Rhymes for the Blahnik Brigade. 

Tak do cestiny basnicku nebudu prekladat, protoze by to asi nesedlo vyznamu, ale co kdyz ...

Jak pochmurne den tot' muze byti!
Ale hej, nebud' zklamanej!
Vsak s Barbis si muzes hrati!

Mmm, proc ne, i kdyz trosku sexisticky z me strany, jelikoz jsem to napsala v muzskem rode. Byl to muj pokus, abych se stalo skvelou basnickarkou jako Amy Allen, ktera napsala fantastickou verzi anglickych basnicek ~ This Little Piggy Went to Prada: Nursery Rhymes for the Blahnik Brigade.

Poprve v zivote jsem byla v arealu Barrandov Studios a pri prijezdu + prichodu me destinace ~ costymy {Fundus}. Ctila jsem se jako kdybych se vznasela do jine dimenze s pomoci pisnicky Stairway to Heaven od Led Zepplin {click} v zazemi. Citila jsem, ze by to bylo strucny popis jak jsem se citila, kdyz jsem vchazela do umne vyvedeny "skrine". Ty obleceni, ktere vidite ~ z toho vam zaskoci srdicko a uzasny, jemny a hrejivy vzruseni ;)

For the first time in life, I was in Barrandov Studios and upon arriving to my destination ~ costumes {Fundus}, I felt as if ascending into a different dimension with the help of Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin {click}as the background tune. I feel that it would be an appropriate way to describe my feeling when entering the elaborate "wardrobe". The clothes you see, make your heart skip a beat and it gives you this funny warm glow of happiness inside ;)

Asi takovou barvu vzruseni:
Let's say this color of glowing happiness:


Wind Moustachio

Oo! Pan reditel mi rekl: "jakou krasnou kytku mate!"

Oo! The director told me:"what a beautiful flower you have!"

Dekuji moc a tesim se na Vas priste!

Thank you & I'm excited to see you soon!

P.S. : Udelejte si turu, pokud jste nikdy nebyli ... {click}

P.S. : Go there for a tour if you've never been ... {click}

Paz Peaches!

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