Monday, December 31, 2012

Rock n Roll 2013!

Je neuveritelne, ze uz jsme u konce roku a zbyva nam uz jen par hodin, nez zacneme novy. 
Co jste ocekavali, ze se stane letos? No meli jsme skoncit. Mayove nam spocitali dny a 21. 12. 2012 jsme meli vybuchnout nebo potopit se, nebo ja nevim. Chytre lide si na teto udalosti vydelali a ty blby se na to nachytali. Tuto udalost nechci rozebirat, protoze je to ztrata casu a bude dalsi blazen, ktery treba najde stopy tucnaku ukazujici rozpad Antarktidy.
Ja jsem vlastne mela velice neutralni prvni polovinu roku. Byla jsem v lednu v Istanbulu, poprve v Tatrach a chodila do skoly. Druha polovina roku, uz bylo trosku hekticky. Nafotila jsem kampan pro italskou znacku plavek - KiSkin, psala bakalarskou praci, ucila se na zkousky a dostala rakovinu delozniho cipku.
Kampan jsem fotila v Italii v cervnu a bajecne jsem si ji uzila. Mela jsem i cas si skocit do vecneho mesta- Rim. V srpnu jsem slavila sve narozeniny a zaroven psala bakalarskou praci. Navstevovala jsem doktory a porad se nevedelo co semnou je. Prislo zari a konecne se zjistilo co mam za zdravotni problemy a jak vetsina z vas vi, byla to rakovina delozniho cipku. Mela jsem za pet 12, protoze rakovina uz byla ve druhem stadiu. Hned co jsem zjistila co mi je, tak jsem bezela na statnice, ktere jsem uspesne slozila. Tyden na to, zacal muj boj - Google, chemoterapie, 2 operace a nakonec i potvrzeni, ze jsem zdrava. Jen jsem pro jistotu musela na dalsi 3 chemoterapie a ceka mi posledni v lednu. 
Phew! To se delo veci! No prali mi pratele a i lide, ktere jsem neznala nebo neznam, vsechno nejlepsi do noveho roku, hodne zdravi a aby byl rok 2013 lepsi nez letosni. Je to uzasny, jak mile lide dokazou byt a opravdu vsem mockrat dekuji! Jenom bych se chtela podotknout toho, ze mi prali aby byl 2013 lepsi nez 2012. Ja nemam problem s tim jaky jsem mela rok. Ja si myslim, ze jsem mela naprosto bajecny rok. Samozrejme, jsme nevedeli doma jak to semnou dopadne, ale neverili jsme nicemu jinemu nez to, ze se uzdravim. 
Byl to rok, kde ja jsem zjistila, kolik mam pratelu a kdo mi opravdu preje, jen to dobre. Naucila jsem se  zdrave zit, jake jidlo je dobry, spatny, a milovat sve telo. Rakovina mi ukazala co je bolest a cim trpeji lide roky nebo i cely zivot. Naucila jsem zanechat veci v minulosti a netahat si je do soucasnosti, ale zaroven se ponaucit z chyb. Prestala jsem kourit (obrovsky plus) a moje plet' mi za to naprosto dekuje. Mela jsem cas se zapremyslet co mi utika a uz nechci, aby mi uteklo. Premyslela jsem co ja vlastne chci a jak se na to chci zamerit. Vedela jsem, ze je tisice zen v Ceske republice, ktere nevedi o gynekologickych rakovinach anebo nemaji s kym se o tom povidat, tak jsem zalozila stranku na Facebook, Statecna Nadeje ~ Brave Hope. Takze jsem mela i moznost pomoct dalsim lidem. Rakovina mi dala smer k zivotu a jsem mohla zjistit jak jsem silna. 
Kdyz se podivam na to co jsem ted napsala, tak si myslim, ze rok 2012 nebyl az tak spatny, ne? :)

OMG! Malem jsem zapomnela! Jak bych mohla! Mela jsem tu moznost napsat do ceske Elle, clanek o me boji s rakovinou! Neni to cool? Nezapomente si ji koupit, vychazi asi 15-16 ledna! ;)

It is unbelievable that we are already at the end of the year and leaving us just a few hours before we start anew.
What were you expecting to happen this year? Well, we were supposed to die. The Mayans counted the calendar  and on 21. 12. 2012 we were supposed to sink or explode, or I do not know what. Smart people have earned money during this event and stupid people bought it. I am not going to elaborate upon this event because it is a waste of time. I am just waiting for the next idiot you will say we are going to die because he or she found penguin tracks in Antarctica, pointing the wrong way. Or whatever.
I've actually had a very neutral first half of the year. I was in Istanbul in January, the first time in the Tatras and went to school. The second half of the year had been a little more hectic. I shot a campaign for the Italian swimwear brand - KiSkin, wrote my bachelor thesis, studied for the state exams and got cervical cancer.
The campaign was photographed in Italy in June and I had a wonderful time. I also had time to stop by in the Eternal City - Rome. In August I celebrated my birthday and also wrote my bachelor thesis. I attended meetings with doctors and did not know what is wrong with me. September came and finally I  found out what is my health problem. As most of you know, it was cervical cancer. It was 5 till' 12, because the cancer was already in the second stage. Once I was told what was wrong with me, the same day I went for my state exams. A week after that,  I began my fight - Google, chemotherapy, two surgeries and finally - a confirmation that I am healthy. I just had to go to 3 more chemos and the third and last one awaits me in January.
Phew! That's a lot! Friends and people, which I did not know or still do not know, were wishing me all the best into the new year, lots of health and that the year 2013 will be better than 2012.  It is truly wonderful , how kind people can be and I really thank everyone of you! I would just like to address the fact that many people were wishing me a better year (meaning 2013). I actually do not have a problem with this year, that I had. I think I had an extraordinary year. Of course, we were not sure how it was all going to end up, but we did not believe in anything but that I will be healthy again.
It was a year when I found out, how many friends I truly have and who really wishes me the best. I learned to eat and live healthy, which food is good or bad. I learned to love my body. Cancer showed me what pain is and what so many people have to go through or even live with for many years. I learned to leave some things in the past and to not bring them into the present or future, but also learn from my mistakes. I quit smoking (a big plus) and my skin thanks me. I had the time to think about what is escaping me and I do not want anything I want to slip from my hands. I had time to think about what exactly do I want and what do I want to focus on. I knew that there were and are thousands of women in the Czech Republic, who do not know about gynecological illnesses or do not have anyone to talk to if they are ill. So I established a Facebook page; Statecna Nadeje ~ Brave Hope. So I even had the possibility to help other people. Cancer gave me a direction in life and I found out how strong am I.
When I look at what I wrote, I look back at my year and I think to myself, 2012 wasn't so bad after all now was it? ;)

OMG! I almost forgot to say! I also had the chance to spread my experience and story with cancer in the magazine Elle (Czech Rep.)! Isn't that cool? It comes out in January, around the 15-16, so make sure you get one! ;)

Backstage @ the KiSkin photoshoot

Na High Jump

Naucila jsem se spravne jist 
I learned how to eat right

ale taky spravne pit
but also drink right

nu dobra, i pect (makronky)
and even to bake (macarons)

Snazila jsem se vypadat rusky, kdyz jsem se sla podivat na Alexandrovci
I tried to look Russian when i went to see the Alexandrovci

dokonce i jako celebrita - dostala jsem bodyguarda na vecer - to bylo vtipny
even dressed up as a celebrity - I got a bodyguard for the evening - it was funny

 Mohla jsem si pujcit Limetku po foceni pro Elle. Diky Andreo i Anno! :D
I got to borrow Limetka after the photoshoot for Elle. Thank you Andrea and Anna! :D

Musila jsem se naucit delat turbany a dokonce jsem dokazala vypadat jako cenny ponik! Nebo indska princezna... vyberte si
I had to learn to make turbans and even managed to look like a prize pony! Or an indian princess... choose one

Tatry - preferuji Italske Alpy
Tatry (Slovakian mountains) - I prefer the Italian Alps

With my mom at Prague Fashion Week. This is a pure example that when you do not feel good, you do not look good. It was a few days before I knew I had cancer. You don't feel good, you don't look good ;)
S mamou na Prague Fashion Week. Toto je cista ukazka toho co se stane kdyz se necitite dobre. Bylo to par dnu pred tim nez jsem zjistila ze mam rakovinu. Pokud se necitis dobre, tak nevypadas dobre ;)

No a vysledek rakoviny a chemoterapie? Novy uces!!
And the result of cancer and chemotherapy? A new do!!

a pisnicka do roku 2013?
and the song to go into 2013 ?