Saturday, September 20, 2014

Oh Bella Ciao!

Ciao Peaches! Finally after a year, I have decided it was time to come back from the living dead and just be one of the living. It has been a wonderful year, filled with healthy juices, travels, love and a big move. At least for a few months... Another reason to come back and tune in is because I want to show you what I am seeing while I am in ... Milan! Yes! Finally I am here in Italy, where I have always wanted to study and live. Since our faculty at the University of Economics in Prague requires us to study abroad for a few months, I knew what choice would be mine. I did apply for Florence, but that didn't work out. Yet Milan did. Although it's not exactly a city of historical sites (except for the Duomo of course), it is one of the capital cities of fashion. Of course I can't really come up to every single fabulously dressed person, I will try to do my best so that you Peaches can enjoy the show as well.
As an introductory post, I will share my birthday experience I had in the wonderful city of Florence. As always, Florence was just so wonderful. I didn't go to the museums, but instead just walked around as if in a dreamy haze. There is a fantastic blog about Florence though if you want to know more. For sure you should be checking it out if you go to Firenze or even if you are just interested. GirlinFlorence is the name of the blog and Georgette definitely makes you want to hop on a plane, slip on some espadrilles and cruise around on a Vespa! As for my part, I skipped the Vespa and used my feet. I hope you enjoy the photos! Leave a comment on what you like, what you don't and what more you would like to see on Downtown Peach!

Ciao Broskvicky! Konecne po jednom roce jsem se rozhodla vstat z mrtvych a byt jeden ze zijicich. Bylo to uzasny rok, plno odstavnovani, cestovani, laska a velky stehovani. Alespon na par mesicu... Dalsi duvod proc se vratit na blog, je protoze jsem chtela ukazat vse co prozivam, kdyz jsem v ... Milane! Ano! Konecne jsem tady v Italii, kde jsem vzdycky chtela studovat a zit, i kdyz jen na chvili. Jelikoz nase fakulta na VSE v Praze pozaduje, abychom studovali v zahranici na par mesicu, vedela jsem co je moje volba. Prihlasila jsem se do Florencie, coz nevyslo. Milano ano. I kdyz to neni zrovna mesto historickych pamatek jako Florencie, je to jeden z hlavnich mest mody. Samozrejme nemuzu prijit ke kazdemu skvele oblecenu cloveku a vyfotit, budu se pokouset o to, aby jste vy Broskvicky si taky uzivali(y?) prehlidku. 
Jako uvitaci post, chci se podilet s mym narozeninovym zazitkem, ktery jsem stravila ve Florencii. Jako vzdy, Florencie byla tak nadherna. Nechodila jsem vsak do muzea, ale spise jsem stravila cas prochazenim se po meste jako kdybych byla ve snu. Je uzasny blog o Florencie pokud chcete vedet vice. Urcite si ji prectete pokud jedete do Florencie nebo jestli jenom ze zvedavosti. GirlinFlorence je jmeno blogu a Georgette urcite dodava pocit, ze chcete vzit prvni letadlo, nasadit si nejake espadrilly a projizdet se na Vespe! Ja jsem preskocila Vespu a pouzila jsem nohy. Doufam, ze si uzijete fotky! Nechte koment co se libi a co ne, a co byste treba radi videli na Downtown Peach!

Which train from Milano Centrale to Firenze?! - Ktery je to vlak z Mialno Centrale do Florencie?!

Putto con il Delfino - Palazzo Vecchio 

Gates to a Bank - Can I also have a purple glass gate?

A presto! Ciao!


  1. The beheading of Medusa by Perseus is such a badass work of art

    1. I agree, my other favorite is the Rape of the Sabines!
