Monday, October 6, 2014

Jour Deux - Trois Jardins

With the second day coming to light, I got to enjoy all the glory Paris has to offer. The buildings are absolutely stunning with their ornate details and for the most part, they are all of the height and style. This is due to the laws which have constrained the style of architecture since the 17th century. You can always recognize Parisian architecture because of theses laws, which have even attributed to the establishment of the Academy of Architecture in 1671. This being the first of its' kind in Europe has also led to the creation of the Prix de Rome in 1720.
Paris is filled with gardens, giving the city some urban refuge. Most of these gardens were made for the palaces, but now with it being open to the public, you are sure to enjoy a stroll through the perfectly manicured jardins and the fall leaves crunching under your (exhausted) feet. I was able to actually visit three of these wonderfully beaux jardins
Walking around a city you do not know, gives you a better perspective as to how the city functions, understanding and meeting with various cultural experiences face to face. It's always my favorite activity to do if I am in a place for a limited time period. Of course, if I have more time, then I visit museums and other such institutions. Unfortunately I had to leave out the very famous museums Paris has to offer, such as the Musee d'Orsay and Louvre. At least I have something to look forward for the next time!

S dalsim prichazejicim dnem, jsem si mohla uzit vsechen slavu co Pariz muze nabdinout. Budovy jsou naprosto senzacni s jejich okraslujicimi detaily a pro vetsinu jsou vsechny stejne vysky a stylu. Tohle je diky zakonum, ktere od 17. stoleti omezovali styl architektury. Vzdycky poznas Parizskou architekturu kvuli temto zakonum, ktere taky maji atribuci k zakladani Académie royale d'architecture v roce 1671. Jelikoz tohle bylo jeden z prvnich sveho druhu, vedlo to k zalozeni Prix de Rome v roce 1720.
Pariz je plna zahrad, ktera dodava meste nejaky utek z mesta. Vetsina techto zahrad byla vytvorena jako kralovske zahrady. Dnes jsou otevrene pro verejnost a clovek je si jisty, ze si muze uzit prochazku skrz dokonole upravene jardins a poslouchat podzimni listy jak krupou pod nohama. Mela jsem tu moznost navstivit tri z techto uzasnych beaux jardins.
Prochazka po neznamem meste je nejlepsim zpusob dostat lepsi perspektiv jak mesto funguje, pochopit a seznamit se s ruznymi kulturnimi zazitky tzv. face to face. Pokud mam limitovanou dobu navstevy mesta, tak je to mym oblibenym zpusobem jak poznat mesto. Samozrejme, ze pokud bych mela vice casu, navstivila bych slavna muzea a dalsi instituce. Bohuzel jsem takovy cas nemela a nedostala sanci se podivat ani do slavnych musei, ktere Pariz nabizi, jakoz je Musee d'Orsay a Louvre. Alespon mam na co se tesit priste!

bomb shells from WWI

Jardin de Luxembourg

Les toilettes at the Louvre gardens

the only photo I have of the Eiffel Tower ...

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