Saturday, February 26, 2011

Russki Peach / Russian Peach

Je 12 základních pravidel Ruské mody pro Američany a jeden, který miluju nejvíc - vždy nos kožešinovou čapku během zimy. Mám trochu posedlost pro ty norkový, liškový nebo králečí kožešiny, které byly proslaveny v Americe Hollywoodem a jejich špionové filmy, ale já je mám hlavně ráda, protože jsou stylové a teplé. Hlavně když je -12°C v některých částech republiky...
There are 12 basic rules for Americans about Russian fashion and one that I love the most - always wear a fur hat during winter. I have a bit of an obsession for those mink, fox or rabbit fur hats that were made famous in America by Hollywood and their spy movies but I just like them because it's stylish and warm. Especially since it's -12°C in some areas...
Fox Fur Hat & Earrings from Boutique Victoria
Jelikož se zlepšilo počasí, tak jsem se rozhodla vzít Psa na procházku, ale možná jsem si měla vzít jiný boty než ty klínové od Nine West.
Since the weather got a bit better I decided to take Dog for a walk but I should have maybe worn something different than the Nine West wedges.
Companion for the walk

Detail of Tracy M. blouse & belt from Neiman Marcus

Moschino Cheap & Chic Velvet cigarette pants

One of the reasons why you shouldn't wear heels when walking with a 160 lbs dog...

 Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis purse
Pom Pom Fox gloves

Nine West Wedges
Co by bylo tvoje Ruské pravidlo?
What would be your Russian rule?

1 comment:

  1. Bella la combinazione dei colori !!! Cool LV :D Fox Fur Hat ...
    Brava Julie :D
