Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sweet Home Bohemia

Sice jsem dneska nešla na Bloggers meeting v Praze (protože mě stále bolí tělo od toho opileckého pádu), ale za to jsem hlídala ovce a vzala Vilém von Kozel na procházku. Pokud je člověk nemocný tak jedině na čerstvý vzduch, jinak se člověk může zbláznit v nemocnici. Než začnete koukat na blog, pusťte si tuhle písničku.

Although I wasn't at the Bloggers meeting in Prague today (beacuse my body still hurts from that sottish fall), I stayed in the village to watch the sheep & took William von Goat for a walk. If a person is sick, then it is only good if she/he is out & about, rather than staying inside, locked up in a hospital. Before you start looking at the blog, play this song.

Zahákni konec řetězu ke kalhotům a máš Redneck hands-free vodítko!

Hook the end of the chain to your pants & you've got a Redneck hands-free leash!

William & Peach

Peach, Farmer Frank & William. Ain't we a happy family?!

 Nothin' better then watchin' em sheep!

Tak vyvoněny lidi z Pařížský nosejí Dior do kaváren - já se radši předvedu ovcím a Vilémovi.

Well, em purrty people oer in Pařížská wear Dior to cafes - I prefer to show off to em sheep & William.

Howdy y'all, well I swear I may look like I've got a man in a wife beater at home drinkin' beer & hollerin' & beatin' me, well guess what ~ I just had one too many beers & fell! 

Redneck Golf (you need: ash wood stick & sheep shit)
Kdo si semnou chce zahrát?

Hat ~ unknown
Blouse ~ Limited Too
Checkered top ~ Limited
Shorts ~ Levi's cut offs
Boots ~ Miu Miu
Silver Bracelet ~ Dior
Bronze Bracelets ~Ralph Lauren
Baby blue ring ~ Orsay