Saturday, September 24, 2011

Black Swan

Friday night came and left and now it's Saturday, the last day of the weekend for you to party. That is unless you are lucky enough to have some weird set-up the week and you party until Monday. If so I envy you. 

Patecni vecer prisel a odesel a uz je sobota, posledni den vikendu kdy muzete jit nekam na party. Anebo mate stesti a mate prodlouzeny vikend a muzete pokracovat vasim pitnym rezimem do pondelka. Pokud je to tak, tak vam zavidim.

Black. It's always the color of elegance and it is a color which will never go out of fashion. Think about it, you can wear it almost everywhere and you will always be looking beautiful, slim and elegant. 

Cerna. Vzdycky to bude barva elegance a je to barva, ktera nevyjde z mody. Zamyslete si, muzete si to vzit kamkoliv kam chcete a vzdycky budete vypadat krasne, stihle a elegantne.

Jediny misto kam si nemuzte vzit cerne saty nebo cokkoliv cerneho, tak je na svatbe. Ja nechapu kde Cesi dostali napad, ze je v poradku nosit cerna barva na svatbe?! Svatba je o dalsi krok zivota, ktery musite oslavit barvama, radosti, sampansky, vsechno vesely. Cerna neni vesela. Ano- je elegantni, ale je to jedina barva , ktera by se nemal vzit na svatbe. Punto.

Dramatic, goth, black swan. I used to have the nickname "ugly duckling". I actually still have it within  the family :D. What's your nickname?

Dramaticka, goticka, cerna labut. Mela jsem prezdivku "osklive kacatko". Ve skutecnosti mi tak porad rikaji v rodine :D. Jaka je vase prezdivka?

Fur & bling. Can never go wrong with it.

Kozisek a bling. Nikdy nemuzete udelat s tim chybu.

The Russian Ballet is laughing at this photo at the moment, but it's just so funny I could not resist . ;)

And more bling. On the wrist, on the purse , on the finger (sorry no picture - forgot)

A vice bling. Na zapesti, na kabelce, a na prste (promin - zadna fotka - zapomnela jsem)

and more bling! on your head and ears. Just do it! Don't be afraid of it!

a vice bling! na hlave a na usi. Udelej to! Nebojte se toho!

Betsey Johnson ... I love you!

saty ~ Boutique Victoria
kabat ~ Nina Ricci
nausnice, celenka, naramek ~ Boutique Victoria
pasek ~ Saks Fifth Avenue
boty ~ Betsey Johnson

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