Pro mě největší stres je vybírat si boty, které se mi budou hodit k outfitu. Opravdu je potřeba mít co nejvíce bot ve skříni, protože nikdy nevíš kdy se ti budou hodit. Člověk, at´je to kluk nebo holka, musí vědět jakou ma náladu a musí i rozumět té botě. Musíš být v souladu s tou botou, musíš ji rozumět, není to jenom bota, je to kus umění, které dotváří celý tebe. Bota není jenom bota, je to způsob sebevyjádření.
It is incredibly stressful for me to choose a pair of shoes which will match your outfit. Genuinely it is a necessity to have as many shoes as possible, because you never know when you will need "her". A person, whether it is a man or woman must understand how they feel at the moment of choosing and must understand the shoe. You have to be in-tune with the shoe, you have to understand it, it's not just a shoe, it's a piece of art which creates who you are. The shoe isn't just a shoe, it is a way of self-expression.
Která?! Stuart Weitzman se Swarovski nebo Gucci se stříbrem? Která bota si?! Volte a komentujte..
Which one?! Stuart Weitzman with Swarovski or Gucci with silver? Which shoe are you?! Vote and comment..
Gucci? Elegantní ale upřimná..Gucci? Elegant but simple..
Stuart Weitzman? Rafinovaná, ale proměnlivá..
Stuart Weitzman? Sophisticated, but changeable..
Guess by Marciano? Veselá a flirtovací?
Guess by Marciano? Fun and flirtatious?
Hale Bob? Laškovná a sexy..
Hale Bob? Playful and sexy..
Marc Jacobs? Nikdy nevíš..
Marc Jacobs? You never know..
Bebe? Nepředvítalně úžasná?
Bebe? Unpredictably awesome?
Le Silla? Drahocenná a luxusní..
Le Silla? Precious and luxurious..
Frankie of Hollywood? Absolutní sebejistota..
Frankie of Hollywood? Abosutely confident..
BCBG by Max Azria? Ušlechtěná, ale hravá..
BCBG by Max Azria? Ladylike but playful..
Yves Saint Laurent? Nestárnoucí elegance..
Yves Saint Laurent? Ageless elegance..
Never forget to take care of your babies! Když přijde na oblékání, muži jsou o něco důležitější než kabelky, ale méně důležité než boty. When it comes to getting dressed, men are a little bit more important than handbags but less important than shoes - Coco Chanel |
I'm not home, but my shoes are... Leave them a message.
ReplyDelete(Carrie, Sex and the City)
La follia della donna, quel bisogno di scarpe che non vuole sentire ragioni. Cosa sono i milioni, se in cambio ti danno le scarpe?
( Elio e le Storie Tese)
Good work Julie !!!