Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Michael Comte a Školačka / Michael Comte & His School Girl

Po dlouhém dnu ve škole, jsem se rozhodla zastavit v Leica Gallery Prague (LGP), abych konečně viděla "jeho" vyfotografované ženy. Moc jsem se těšila, abych viděla fotky, jelikož jsem všude viděla zuby Carla Bruni. Jsem milovníkem jakékoliv umění, obzvlášt´ pokud jde o umění nebo umělce, které oslavuje ženy, jakože je Michael Comte, Vargas nebo Michael Parkes.
After a long day at school I decided to stop by at the Leica Gallery to finally see the exhibition of "his" photographed women. I was extremely excited to see the photos, since I have been seeing Carla Brunis' teeth everywhere. I am a lover of any type of art especially if it celebrates women, such as Michael Comte, Vargas or Michael Parkes.

Claudia Schiffer & Naomi Campbell

My favorite Glamazon - Cindy Crawford
Vintage dress with Eiffel Tower & Cappuccinos' (click here), Ralph Lauren mini sweater, Tracy Ellen Booties, H&M knee highs, belt...?

Uma Thurman & Cindy Crawford

Carla Bruni
Safe Sex!
Sofia Coppola
Safe Sex

Ralph Lauren bracelet, Orsay ring (150 kc), Blue My Mind nailpolish H&M (150 kc), Saint bracelet from my grandma

Carla Bruni & a ghost? I couldn't find the picture of the dark haired girl in the reflection or a person standing behind me, so you figure it out ghost hunters!

Pokud někdo má ještě zájem se kouknout na jeho fotky tak má do 3. března a stojí 50 kč pro studenty a 100 kč pro dospělé, a myslim si, že to stojí za to, aby se člověk trochu zkulturnil.
If anyone has the interest to see the exhibition, then you have time until the 3. March and it's 50 kc for students & 100 kc for adults. I think that it is worth it to stop by so that a person gets a little dip into culture.

Whitney Houston, Sofia Coppolla & me

Byl tam někdo? Líbil/a  se ti výstava?

Was anyone there? Did you like it?


  1. Uvidime jestli to tento tyden stihnu...:-)
    Krasna sukne;-)

  2. Zkus to stihnout! Je to pekny!:) diky :)
