Friday, August 5, 2011


Posledni den slunicka pro tento tyden v San Francisco a klasicky v 16 hodin se zacala mlha provalovat do mesta. Mnozi z turistu si mysli, ze pokud nekam jede do Kalifornie v lete, ze bude vsude teplo, ale to je velky omyl! San Francisco je prece prosluly Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, kopce a zatracene studena mlha. Pokud je clovek na to pripraveny tak neni problem, ale pokud ne, tak mrzne a preje si, aby mel zimni bundu.

The last day of sun for this week in San Francisco came and as usual the fog started rolling in at 4 pm. Most of the tourists think that because they are going to California during the summer time, that it is warm all over CA but that is so not true! San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, steep hills and really cold fog. If you are prepared for the weather here, then it's not a problem but if you're not, then you'll be wishing you had your winter jacket.

Banana Republic in Downtown , near the gate to Chinatown

Mason Street

 Enjoying the last bit of sun in Huntington Park

I ja musim mit boty inspirovany Dalnym Vychodem

Even I have to have shoes inspired by the Far East

Nenapadlo me, abych se koukla na jmeno fontany

It didn't occur to me to look at the name of the fountain

Ale napadlo me se pred ni vyfotit!

But it occured to me to take a picture in front of it!

Jeden z nejuzasnejsich kousku, ktere mam. Pasek z 80. let, kupovany v Eye Magnum

One of the most wonderful pieces I have in my closet. A belt from the 80's, bought at Eye Magnum

Ray Bans & my new spike bracelet

The Bohemian Club, members only (ruler of a country, politician of some sort, that kind of thing)

San Francisco fog!

top ~ Hurley
jacket ~ Silvian Heach
pants ~ Moschino
shoes ~ Charles David
purse ~ Yves Saint Laurent

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