Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I've got a feeling...

No. I don't have a feeling that tonight is going to be a good night. What feeling I do have, is that my body is strengthening itself after the ordeal it went through.
A lot of people ask me, how do I feel, if everything is okay or telling me to get better. But most of all, people ask me if everything is ok. Which made me think, no one actually knows how I am feeling after my 2 operations (both in were in November) and after my 6 chemo's  I had three chemo's before the operation and if you remember, it was incredibly important to me that the chemo destroyed as much of the tumor as possible. I wrote about my feelings in this post (here). After everything went well, I had to go for 3 more chemo's. The fifth one was the worst for me. I had terrible joint pain, I was so noxious I couldn't sleep or rest through the night. I felt vulnerable and all I could do is cry. Also it didn't help, that the ladies lodging in the same room were watching the food channel. I do believe the show is called Prostreno (Served). If the chemo didn't make me sick, then this show did. Anyways, the 6th chemo was probably the easiest, since I knew it was the last one and was only insurance to make sure that everything bad got destroyed. Which it did and was confirmed in the beginning of February. Now that it has been a month, I feel slight changes and know that my body is getting back to normal.
  • My hair is growing back (although it didn't have to grow back in certain places. i.e. legs)
  • I'm not having such bad hot flashes anymore.
  • The ringing in my ears has become less and less 
  • My eyes aren't so sensitive
  • I have more energy
  • I have less and less chemo fog. (Now that's something. Chemo fog is horrible for someone who likes to learn and remember new things, needs to concentrate (even on a book). Everything is literally foggy and you feel almost brain dead. It's more irritating then being deaf due to chemo. Luckily the feeling has subsided.) Read more about it here.
Now that I am healthy enough to withstand the terrors of flying bacteria and germs, I can leave the house, walk and travel between people and even leave the country. Which I will be doing tomorrow! I wonder if you can guess where am I going. I will give you some hints.

  • The Irish Coffee was invented in this city
  • Francis Ford Coppola enjoyed writing one of his grand masterpieces in this city
  • Denim jeans were invented in this city
  • 4th richest city in the World in terms of billionaires
  • Sean Penn, Sharon Stone, Carlos Santana are some of the few artists living in this city
I think most of you know which city this is. Try to think of where it could be before you jump into Google. The first 3 who get the answer and write it in the comments, will receive a small present from me!
Good luck and see you soon Peaches!

Anicko, dekuji za Pinko passport holder! :*

My favorite food when I get the plane munchies
Oblibeny jidlo na munchies v letadle

Ne. nemam pocit, ze dnesni noc bude skvela noc. Pocit, ktery ale mam, je, ze se moje telo pomalu, ale jiste vraci do normalu po tom vsem co si proslo.
Spoustu lidi se mi pta, jak se mam, pokud je vse v poradku nebo mi rikaji, ze mi drzeji palce a at' mi je lepe. Vetsinou ale, se mi ptaji, zda-li je vse uz v poradku. Coz mi pak napadlo, ze nikdo asi nevi jak mi doopravdy je po 2 operaci (oboje, ktere byly v listopadu) a po 6-ti chemoterapiich. Mela jsem 3 chemoterapie pred operaci, a pokud si pamatujete, tak bylo pro me velice dulezite, aby chemoterapie zabralo a znicila vetsina nadoru. Psala jssem o svych pocitech v tomto clanku (zde). Po tom co vse dopadlo dobre, musela jsem na dalsi 3 chemoterapie. Pata byla nejhorsi pro me. Mela jsem obrovske bolesti v kloubech, bylo mi tak zle, ze jsem nemohla zbytek noci spat ani odpocivat. Citila jsem se zranitelne a jediny co jsem mohla delat, je brecet. Taky nepomohlo, ze damy, ktere byly ubytovany semnou v pokoji se rozhodly koukat na Prostreno. Pokud mi nebylo spatne z chemoterapie, tak mi bylo spatne z toho. V kazdem pripade, sesta chemoterapie byla nejsnazsi ze vsech, protoze jsem vedela, ze je posledni a bylo to jen pojisteni, ze se zbavilo vse spatneho. Coz se tak stalo a bylo i tak potvrzeno na zacatku unora. Ted je to mesic a citim zmeny a tudiz vim, ze se moje telo vraci pomalu k normalu.

  • Rostou mi zpatky vlasy (i kdyz nemusely rust zpatky na nekterych mistech - treba nohy)
  • Nemam tolik tech naval horka jako, ze jsem myvala
  • Piskani v usich prestava
  • Nemam tak citlive oci
  • mam vice energie
  • mam mene tzv.: chemo fog (chemo mlha). Coz je opravdu neco strasneho pro cloveka, kdo se rad/a uci nove veci, chce si zapamatovat neco nebo si i chce neco precist knizku. Vylozene mate pocit, ze je vse zamlzeno v hlave. vice si o tom muzete precist zde, i kdyz je to bohuzel jen v anglictine :/
Jelikoz jsem ted tak zdrava, ze i vystojim postrach z letajicich bakterii a skodlivych mikrobu, tak muzu odejit z domu, chodit a cestovat mezi lidma, a dokonce i odletet z Ceske rep. Coz budu delat zitra! Zajimalo by me, pokud vite kam odletim. Dam vam par napoved:

  • "Irska kava" byla vynalezena v tomto meste
  • Francis Ford Coppola si uzival cas v tomto meste kdy psal jeden ze svych nejvetsich dilu
  • Dziny vznikly v tomto meste
  • Je to ctvrte nejbohatsi mesto pokud jde o miliardare
  • Umelci jako jsou Sean Penn, Sharon Stone, Carlos Santana tu ziji
Myslim si, ze vetsina z vas uz vi o jake mesto jde. Pokud ne, tak zkuste bez Google zapremyslet o jake mesto jde. Prvni 3 spravne odpovedi psane do komentu, ktere tu uvidim, dostanou maly darek ode mne! Hodne stesti Peaches!


  1. podla mňa tiež san francisco :)

  2. san francisco. Petra

  3. tak skúsim tiež san francisco :)

    1. Katarina, i kdyz si 4, i tobe poslu darek, protoze si napsala koment jen o par vterin pozdejic nez Petra!

    2. Katarina, muzes mi poslat email prosim? Nijak to nemuzu najit :)

  4. Lovely you feel better, and such a cute photo of you :) I just started following you, feel free to follow back if you want to :)

    /Stephanie / http:// mydarlingsolitude.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I will start to follow! :)

  5. Hi Julie, moc mě zaujala na tvé první fotce ta masky na oči (na spaní). Kde jsi ji pořídila? Hledám taky takovou pěknou :-) Díky Julie:-p

    1. http://julsdayci.blogspot.cz/

    2. Ahoj Julie! Ja uz si nepamatuju, a dokonce si myslim, ze jsem je dostala jako darek. Good Luck v hledani, dam vedet pokud budu vedet! :)

  6. great post *_* your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


    1. thank you Thi Lan! I visited and think it is a very sweet blog! Thank you for visiting mine! :))
