Yes! I am in San Francisco! Those who correctly answered will get a present from me, (but will have to wait until I get back to the Czech Republic). I mean it wasn't that hard was it?...In the meantime, what has been going on with me? Well, I flew in last Wednesday and have had some problems with jet lag. On one hand, I had all this energy and wanted to go out. On the other, I had a splitting headache in the back of my head, forcing me to drink all that green tea! I think it might have to do with combination of the chemotherapy and air pressure from the plane ride. Alas, I have not been able to figure that one out, even if I did try Googling it. So we will see, what it will be...
I have to say, that I was a bit reluctant to write on my blog, since I have been staying away from the computer. Yes, I have been uploading a couple photos on Facebook, but I haven't been on it to chat or so. I have better things to do than to be on my computer. With that, I'd like to quickly sum up my trip back home in California so far:
- Shopping is always fun in the US. (I have to pick up my shoes at Macy*s today!) I'll take some photos and share the love of the shoe gods with you!
- Drinks are expensive. They always have been. Beer $5 . Wine $9. Cocktail is $12. Beer is 50 cents in the CZ. I became quite spoiled by that country, in terms of alcohol!
- I still hate Los Angeles. Simply, when you are from a certain part of California, you stay faithful to that area. I am in love with Northern California. I love the hills, the weather (even though it is cold) and the people and culture!
- I love going to events in San Francisco! I went to the Night at the Academy and it was just amazing! We went to Robot Night, so entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley came to show off their new technology. I didn't take pictures of that for some reason, but I took a couple of the inside area. Oh, and awesome music. Unfortunately I don't know the name of the DJ's. If you ever want to go to this event, just check it out here: Night at the Academy
- There is a difference in the way people perceive cancer in the US and in CZ. When it comes to going out with a shaved head in San Francisco, people will either just take a look and smile or come up and say: "I love your shaved head!" Of course it feels great to get a compliment on something which represented my illness. Then sometimes, people will ask if it was intentional or.... and that's where they leave the space for me to explain that it was due to chemotherapy. I tell them, that it was due to chemotherapy because I had cancer. That's when they start asking questions about you and you illness. Now, the difference between the American people asking about your cancer, is that they speak about you, they let you talk about it and they ask you questions and actually listen to what you have to say. In the CZ, people will ask you (sometimes) and then when you tell them you had cancer and what kind of cancer, they start talking about themselves having a cancer scare or that someone in their family had cancer. It's a completely different type of conversation.
- I prefer Mexican food over Chinese
Crown Lounge. Schipol, Amsterdam. Happy to go back to San Francisco!
Kosher plane food. Ew.
Ano! Jsem v San Francisku! Ti, kteri uhadli spravne dostanou darek ode mne, (ale prosim, musite pockat nez se vratim zpatky do Ceske republiky). Zas tak tezke to nebylo ...? Mezitim, co se delo semnou? Priletela jsem minulou stredu a mela jsem trochu problemy s jet lag (prehozeni casu, kdyz letate). Na jednu stranu, mela jsem tolik energie a chtela jsem porad nekam jit. Zas na druhou stranu, mela jsem migreny, ktere me donutily abych neustale pila zeleny caj! Myslim si, ze ty migreny jsou z dusledku chemoterapie a tlak z letadla. Nemohla jsem to bohuzel zjistit, protoze o tom nikdo nepsal, i kdyz jsem zkousela Google. Tak uvidime co to je...
Musim rict, ze se mi uplne nechtelo psat na blog, protoze se snazim nechodit na pocitac. Ano, uploadovala jsem par fotek na Fcb, ale nechodim online nebo si neprohlizim to co se deje mezi myma pratelama. I kdyz jsem zahledla, ze se vsichni stezuji na pocasi. Mam lepsi veci co delat, nez byt na mem pocitaci cely den. Takze bych chtela rychle uzavrit tenhle post s rychlou rekapitulaci:
- Shopping je vzdycky skvely v USA (Musim si vyzvednout boty v Macy*s dneska!) Vyfotim boty, ktere jsem si koupila a sdilet lasku bohu bot!
- Drinks are expensive. They always have been. Beer $5 . Wine $9. Cocktail is $12. Beer is 50 cents in the CZ!
- Alkohol je drahy. Vzdycky tu tak bylo. Pivo za $5. Vino $9. Koktail $12. Pivo stoji v prepoctu na dolary 50 centu v cechach.
- Porad stojim za to, ze nesnasim Los Angeles. Proste, pokud jste z nejake casti v Kalifornii, zustavate verni te casti. Ja jsem zamilovana do Severni Kalifornie. Miluju ty kopce, pocasi (i kdyz je chladnejc) lide a kulturu!
- Miluju akce v San Franciscku! Vzdycky se tu deje neco zajimaveho. Byla jsem na akci, ktera se jmenuje Noc v Akademii, coz je v Kalifornske Akademii Ved. Byly jsme s Lindsey na Noc Robotu, takze mladi podnikatele ze Silicon Valley prijeli ukazat novou technologii, kterou vymysleli. Z nejakeho duvodu jsem to nefotila, ale alespon jsem vyfotila okoli. Ah, a taky skvela muzika. Bohuzel neznam jmena DJu ktere tam hrali. Pokud byste meli nekdy zajem jit, tak se kouknete zde: Night at the Academy
- Je obrovsky rozdil jak lide vnimaji rakovinu v Americe a v Cechach. S holou hlavou v San Francisku, lide se kouknou a usmejou se anebo prijdou rovnou k tobe a reknou: "Miluju tvou oholenou hlavu!" Samozrejme je to skvely pocit, kdyz nekdo chvali to, co reprezentovalo tvoji nemoc. Pak se nekteri zeptaji pokud je to nascvhal nebo jestli je to..... a tady vlastne nechaji misto, abych vysvetlila pokud je to kvuli chemoterapii. Ja jim rikam, ze je to samozrejme kvuli chemoterapii, protoze jsem mela rakovniu. Zacnou se posleze ptat otzky o te nemoci. Rozdil mezi Americanama a Cesi je, ze Americani se zacnou ptat vice otazek, jaka to byla rakovina a dalsi otazky a opravdu poslouchaji. Kdezto v CR se lide zeptaji a pak se zacnou bavit o sve potencionalni rakovine nebo o nekom kdo mel rakovinu v rodine. Je to uplne jina konverzace.
- Preferuju mexicke jidlo nez cinske.
Night at the Academy
Bay Bridge
Highway 5. South. California
Mexican. 3 tacos combination. Awesome!
Horchada is my favorite drink!
Chinese shrimp |
Fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco!
Peet's Coffee on Fillmore, across one of my favorite store
Another sunny day. Another photo with my feet cut off. Mom.
Dalsi slunecny den. Dalsi fotka bez nohou. Mami.
The Distillery
Seems you had a great trip!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Christina! I did and still am!
DeleteJéé krásně si to užíváš!!ale měla by jsi nám sem dát více fotek..chceme vidět San Francisco z tvého pohledu!!tak šup šup:)