Has it been so long again, since I have posted anything about the whereabouts of a Peach? The last couple of days made me feel more like a Peach either ripening in the sun, waiting to become that mixture of colors we love so much or plainly, just a peach laying on the side of the road, ready to become bird food. Well I felt like the first Peach, until I realized what school work awaits me. Incredibly intriguing as it may sound, some subjects are just not that wunderbar as they may sound. After basking in the sun and enjoying my days as a carefree country peach would, I snapped back to reality to realize that, unless I hustle, my peachy ass is on fire.
Uz je to tak dlouho co ja jsem neco napsala kdepak byla broskvicka? Posledni par dni mi dalo pocit jako kdybych byla spise broskev, ktera zraje na slunci, aby dostala tu barvu, kterou tak miluju nebo jednoduse, broskev, ktera shnije na slunci podel cesty, pripravena se stat jidlem pro ptaci. No tak, z pocatku jsem se citila jako ta prvni broskev, nez jsem si uvedomila co mi ceka za praci do skoly. Az neuveritelne uchvatne jak to zni, nektere predmety nejsou tak wunderbar jak zneji. Po vysluni slavy na slunci jako bezstarostna venkovni broskev, prepla jsem se zpatky do reality s tim, ze pokud nemrsknu sebou abych neco nezacala delat do skoly tak ta moje broskvova prdelka zacne pekne horet.
What I love about Letna park are all the lilac bushes placed everywhere where one may look.
Co ja miluji na Letne jsou serikove kere absolutne vsude kam se clovek podiva.
Even Czech tourists want the hundred spired Prague as a background.
I ceske turisti chteji jako background stovezatou Prahu.
Prague smog ~ romance at it's best
Julie & her La Chica Favorita
Buddha ~ zen & a tunic from my grandmother bought in Napili
At the end of the day everyone can make a friend. Even if he looks like Bob Marley's brotha.
A ke konci den, kazdy si udela jednoho kamarada i kdyz vypada jako bratr Boba Marleyho.
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