So maybe this time it won't be about transportation but rather the people of Vietnam. I suppose I feel like writing about them more, since when walking around Prague or my small town, I see scowls despite the sun coming out, shining warm and bright. I think people just need to defrost a bit after the long and hard winter.
Then again if you give them a chance maybe they will crack a smile towards you, just like in Viet Nam. The Vietnamese often look at the foreigners with eyes filled with curiosity. If you are lucky, you can get a toothless grin from either a child with milk-like skin or a very old person, wrinkled from sun and time.
People can be seen walking on the streets, selling their goods at the markets or in quiet corners. Usually families are seen sitting in front of their houses which in the countryside, beautifully colored with colors of turquoise, yellow or terra-cotta. In the city such as in Saigon, the houses or rather apartment buildings, are fitted next to each other with open garages. Each garage has their own group of people sitting inside. Women chatting together, whilst sitting on footstools, fanning themselves to create a breeze in the still air. If the man of the house is with them, then he is either sitting with another man, smoking a cigarette. If as a man he is alone, surrounded by the women on the footstools, he is seen usually caring of the youngest baby.
I found it interesting to see how much love and affection they display towards their children. You see how much they kiss them on the child's fat cheeks or bounce them on their knee to keep them entertained.
The young children, are so curious with their large brown almond eyes, that it makes it impossible to not come up and say hello. I myself couldn't have helped it! I would take pictures of the children to which the parents never opposed but rather encouraged. They would try to make the child look into the camera, smile and wave their fat little hands.
Most Czechs will either remember or know about what was called pionyri (pioneers). To sum it up, it was an organization functioning for the communist party, for children and youth. It started during the 70's and lasted until after the revolution. Viet Nam is still a Marxist-Leninist led country and still has many of the organizations which we used to see in socialist countries in Europe, such as the pioneers. I ran into a group of these children part of the youth group on the bridge in Hoi An. I was a funny looking person for them with my short hair and some of the girls would giggle when I took photos of them. They seemed very close to each other and showed a lot of affection towards one another, which I thought was really cute. Also the red and white outfits were cute!
Tak mozna tentokrat nebude o doprave, ale radsi o vietnamskych lidech. Mozna o nich chci psat vice, jelikoz kdyz se prochazim po Praze nebo po mem malem meste, tak vidim jen zamracene obliceje, i prestoze svitici slunce hreje a rozzaruje svet. Mozna se lide jenom potrebuji trochu rozmrazit po dlouhe a tvrde zimy
Naproti tomu zase, kdyz jim date sance, tak se i mozna usmejou, tak jako ve Vietnamu. Vietnamci taky potrebuji nekdy cas a casto koukaji na cizince s ocima plno zvedavosti. Pokud mate stesti, tak dostanete bezzuby usmev od batolete s pokozkou jako mleko nebo bezzuby usmev od starenky, ktera je svrascena od slunce a casu.
Lide jsou k videni na ulici, prodavajici jejich zbozi na trzich nebo v tichem rohu v samote. Vetsinou uvidite rodinu jak si vysedava pred jejich domy na venkove, ktere jsou zbarveny tyrkysem, zlutou nebo terakotovou barvou. Ve meste jako je Saigon, tak domy nebo-li radsi byty, jsou na miru postaveny jeden vedle druheho s otevrenou garazi. Kazda garaz ma svoji skupinu lid, ktere sedi pred nebo uvnitr techto garazi. Zeny klaboseji venku na podnozkach a pritom si mavaji pred oblicejem vejir, aby si udelaly vanek v nehybnem vzduchu. Pokud "muz domacnosti" je snima, pokuruje si cigaretu s dalsim muzem. Pokud je sam a jen obklopen zenama na podnozkach, tak ho uvidite vetsinou jak se stara o dite nebo i deti.
Prislo mi zajimave videt kolik lasky a citu rodice davaji detem. Vidite jak detem polibeji jejich kulate, tluste tvaricky nebo s nima hopsaji na kline, aby je zabavily. Ja tohle bohuzel nevidim casto v nekterych zemich. Spise vidim jak rodice se zlobeji na sve deti, protoze se umatlaly, kdezto ve Vietnamu se zacnou tomu smat a utrou jim pusu. Nic se nehroti.
Malé deti jsou tak zvedavi s jejich cokoladove hnede oci ve tvaru mandli, ze to je nemozné, abych neprisla pozdravit!Kdyz jsem fotila deti, tak rodice nikdy nebyli proti, ba naopak me podporovali, abych je fotila. Snazili se rozesmivat jejich deti, nebo aby zamavaly.
Vetsina Cechu si pamatuji nebo znaji z dejepisu pionyri. Viet Nam je stale socialisticka republika a ma organizace, ktere behem rezimu existovaly i v CR. Potkala jsem skupinu deti, ktere sly pres most v Hoi An. Byla jem asi vtipne vypadajici holka (bez vlasu) a mlade devcata se chechtaly, kdyz jsem je fotila. Prislo mi, ze jsou si vsichni blizci pratele a byly roztomile. Taky jejich bilo-cervene outfity byly cute!
Young soldiers gone for an excursion at Marble Mountains ~ Mlade vojaky na exkurzi v Mramorovych Horach
Priest at Marble Mountains ~ Mnich sidlici v Mramorovych horach
Ao dai - Vietnamese national costume
This was an incredibly interesting night. We were in Hoi An during the time of the grand opening of their new dragon bridge. Everyone wanted to try to get across the new bridge from one side to another. I think that almost in any European country or American state, people would be yelling at each other, getting angry at one another for not moving or hurrying. Not one person yelled at another. Everyone was calmly trying to get across the bridge, taking turns. Tolerant people from my point of view.
Tohle bylo velice zajimavy zazitek a i noc pro me. Byli jsme v Hoi An kdy bylo otevreni noveho mostu , ktera mela sloupy jako drak. Kazdy si to chtel vyzkouset a tudiz chteli prejet z jedne strany do druhy. Myslim si, ze v jakkemkoliv Evropske zemi ci Americkem statu, tak by lide na sebe kriceli a naddavali by si. Ani jeden clovek na nikoho vztekle nerval. Vsichni se klidne posouvali dal a cekali az na ne dojde rada. Dle meho nazoru jsou to velice tolerantni lide.
Z tvého článku uplně čiší pozitivní energie, to bude asi těmi úsměvy z fotek :) Je pravda, že v čecháh by se lidi mohli usmívat víc, ale když se člověk usmívá na ně tak mu úsměv oplatí (někdy):)
ReplyDeleteTeri! Musim s tebou souhlasit, ale porad to neni ono. Ja se pokousela usmivat na lide a vetsinou nechapou. Ale! kdyz jsi opravdu vytrvala, tak tenusmev v koutcich je. ;)