Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Czech Original Fashion

Olééé Peaches! Tak mně moc těší, že se o mně zmiňovala internetová stránka Czech Original Fashion co ráda nosim a kam ráda chodim. Skoro ani nevim co napsat, protože bloguju solomente (jenom) měsíc a už si mě někdo všimnul a mám z toho obrovskou radost! Pro někoho to nemusí znamenat nic, ale pro mě je to fantasmagorický :D Mini článek zde. 

Oleee Peaches! So I am happy to say that the internet site Czech Original Fashion mentioned me yet again & asked what do I like to wear and where do I like to go. I almost feel like I don't know what to write because I am blogging solomente (only) a month and already I've been noticed & mentioned somewhere" I am absolutely thrilled about it! For some it doesn't mean anything but for me it is something superfragilisticexpialidocious :D Read about it here (although in Czech, Google translate works)