Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica

Yay for me! I got to leave the country (CZ) for a while and enjoy Italy. I love that country. It has great food, wine, gorgeous scenery, beautiful cities and towns and of course wonderful fashion. This time, it's not so much about fashion, but about Rome and a few regions near to Lazio. I used to not like Rome so much, I used to think it was dirty and ugly. This time I really got to spend a wonderful weekend and see as much as my heels would carry me. If you've never been to Rome, save up your pennies and drop by for a weekend. 
Hura pro me! Mela jsem konecne cas odjet z Cech a uzit si Italii. Miluji tu zem. Ma skvele jidlo, vino, krasnou krajinu, krasne mesta a vesnice a samozrejme, uzasnou modu. Tentokrat to neni ani o mode, ale o Rim a v prubehu take, par regionu okolo Lazio. Me se predtim Rim tak nelibil, myslela jsem si, ze je spinava a oskliva. Tentokrat jsem mela sanci stravit cely vikend v Rime a videt tolik co mi podpatky dovolili. Pokud si nikdy nebyl/a v Rime, tak strete kadou korunku a zastavte se na vikend.

Girl got it goin' on!

Instead of bony (a currency used for the shopping center Tuzex in CSSR) you can buy Prada, Louis Vuitton and other new collections ...
Misto Bonu se tu prodava Prada, Louis Vuitton a dalsi nove kolekce modnich domu ...

House of God

Fronta jak na banany

Don't forget to wear something over your shoulders and knees. I opted to go back to my roots, with an American shawl.

Nezapomente si neco pres ramena a kolena, jinak vas nepusteji. Ja se rozhodla vratit ke korenum s  Americkym motivem

The selling of indulgences helped pay for this bad boy

1626 - year of consecration 

That's where the Pope sits. It seems that he has it good....

To je kde sedi Papez. Je videt, ze se ma dobre...

One of Jesus's buddies - St. Peter

Jeden z Jezisovych kamaradu - Sv. Petr

The Architects
Bernini, Michelangelo, bramante, G. dello Porta, Maderno, Sangallo and Barozzi di Vignola 

Kuala Lumpur vs. Rome

 S/S ~ F/W 1914 C. Jules Repond
Theme: Catholic, Swiss citizenship, basic training at the Swiss military

~ unknown ~

Americans like to put flags everywhere they go

Where to next?

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