Monday, August 15, 2011

Kapalua Underwater

Kapalua je dalsi uzasny misto pro snorklovani. Zacinam mi takovy  pocit, ze misto toho, aby to bylo "girly blog" tak je to "travelers blog". No, ale co vam tady budu fotit za modu? Dneska jsem si koupila sortky za 50 centu u mistni tzv. "yard sale" a budou mi stact na dalsi tyden. Tady clovek opravdu nema zapotrebi menit svuj outfit kazdy den. Taky jsem podle toho prijela. Zabalila jsem si 2 tricka a 2 sortky. Kdyby nahodou jeden z nich se umazalo. 

Kapalua is a wonderful place for snorkeling & I'm starting to get the feeling that instead of my blog being a "girly blog" it has become a "travelers blog". Well, really, what kind of outfits am I going to post here? I bought a pair of shorts at a yard sale for 50 cents & anyways all you need to pack with you to Maui are 2 pairs of shorts & max 2 shirts. Just in case one of them gets dirty.

A taky, ze se dneska stalo kdyz jsem jedla vyborny "Ono Tacos". Pokud budete nekdy mit cestu na Maui a treba smerem na Napili, tak se tady zastavte!

Also, guess what happened besides my shopping experience, I had a taco experience. A family sells tacos fresh from their backyard stove! "Ono Tacos", so make sure, next time you stop by, you have a bite!

Hmm... mam jit do vody? Vypada, ze je tam nebezpecno behem zimnich mesicu, Kona Winds a behem normalnich dnu ....

Hmm... should I even go into the water? It seems that is dangerous during the winter months (not here), when the Kona Winds come in (didn't happen) & on normal days. Here.

pred Kapalua Bay  / before Kapalua Bay
(Kapalua = kapu lua = dead end)

Jsem ready pro svuj close up! 
Photographer: Udelej modelku! 
Modelina : Oh my God, jako faaakt?! "doufam, ze nepotkam zraloka"

I'm ready for my close up! 
Photographer: Be a model!
Model: Oh my Goood, like reeally? *I hope a shark doesn't eat me*

Zdravim Ceskou a Slovenskou republiku!



