Cesta do Wailuku je uzka a nebezpecna a je vzdycky lepsi jet do Wailuku smerem na sever (ocasek ostrova) nez na jih. A to, protoze cesta je udelana jenom na jedno auto. Takze auto, ktere jede jizne ma smulu.
Pokazdy kdyz tu jsem a jedu po tehle ceste, se zastavim u Lorraine a koupim si jeji slavne "Shaved Ice". Shaved Ice (Oholeny led? ...)
The road to Wailuku is narrow and dangerous & it's always better to go North (tail of the island) rather than South since the road is only made for one car. So the car going South is in deep *bleep*. Every time I go on this road I stop by at Lorrane's for her famous Shaved Ice.
WPGA Tournament grounds
Maui taky ma destny pralesy, ale je to opravdu maly.
Maui also has a rainforrest but it's really small.
West Maui
Meter a pul asi siroka cesta
A uz jsme tady! And here we are!
Lorraine will always have a smile to share!
Lorraine Me & Guy (her husband)
Passion Fruit!
Her backyard pet crocodile!
Iao Valley
Rita - my other ohana (family)
Another day, another Maui sunset.
Havajska tradice je takova, ze pokazdy kdyz zapadne slunce tak jeden nebo i vice lidi fouknou do tkz. conch shell (musle), aby se ukoncilo den. Kouknete se na video dole, jak se to dela!
WHen it is sunset, it is part of the Hawaiin tradition to blow onto a conch shell, ending the day. Tak a look of the video to see how it's done!
nádhera! <3