Sunday, August 21, 2011

Road to Hana

Cesta do Hana je uzasna, zdlouhava a plno zazitku. Zpatky je to strasidelny, zdlouhavy a nikdy to nechces opakovat. Maui je plno zazitku a jeden z tech je cesta do Hana, ne Hana jako mesto, ale Hana jako oblast a 7 vodopadu. Sice jsem tu v mesicich kdy voda je klidna, ale jsem rada, protoze pri predstave, ze by vodopady byly aktivni - mi stoji chlupy na zadech. Babicka mi vzdycky rikala, ze voda nejmocnejsi, nejpotrebonejsi, ale zaroven nejhruznejsi zivel. A ma pravdu. Nevlezla jsem do prirodnich bazenku kvuli tomu, ze voda se "nehybe" a tudiz se nashromazduji tolik bakterii, ze clovek ani asi neni imunni na nektere bacily. 

The Road to Hana is wonderful, long & filled with adventures. The road back is scary, long & you feel as if you never want to do it again. Maui is filled with adventures & the road to Hana is one of them. Not Hana as if in the village/town, whatever you want to call it but the road & the thought of the 7 pools & waterfalls is what makes the whole trip fun. I was there during the time of the year when the waters are calm & the waterfalls are asleep. But let me tell you, i would not want to be there when it's active. My grandmother always told me that water is the most powerful, needed but also scariest element on Earth. I didn't go into the pools since their is no flow of water meaning the pools which are still filled with water are also filled with a zillion types of bacteria i am probably not immune to.

Paia Beach


saty Boutique Victoria

Bambusove lesy

Birds of paradise, and paradise it is ...

shaka & KiSkin & Paris Blues cutoffs

rainbow Eucalyptus. neni to uzasny?!

Keana Beach. Enclosed paradise

Vypada to jako ananas, ale neni to ananas, co to je?

Ah... uz se blizime!

Hawaiin Ginger

Roadside Guava! Yum!

prales/ rainforest!

Smelled like Honeysuckle!

Myslela jsem si, ze je to serik, ale byla to napodobenina ceskeho rybizu ;) :D

jeden ze zastavek, Glen's Coconut Shack!

Zbytky kokosu

Domaci domacnost

Jeho/ his gardenia


Polynesian shack

uz se blizime... to uz nam rikali pred hodinou

We are here! Jsme tu!

Bacily to neee! / Nooo! bacteria!

Za sebou vodopady, pred sebou vecnost ...

Hana ...

Konec Sveta / End of the World

ooooh jak roztomile! / Awww how cute!

Ale prodavac vypadal spis jako kdyby vrazdil / The cashier looked more like a mass murderer ...

Blizime se civilizace .... snad / We are getting closer to civilization ... hopefully

Tak to byla cesta do Hana a zpet. Zitra by mohly byt fotky z Haleakala. Vite co to je? Nevim pokud je budu delat zitra, jelikoz musim slavit 2 narozeniny najednou, Havajske (kdy USA si ji privlastnila) a moje :)

So that was the road to and from to Hana. Tomorrow there might be some photos from Haleakala. Do you know what it is? I am not sure if I'll do it tomorrow since i will have to celebrate 2 BD's at once, the day the U.S. bought Hawaii and mine :)

Aloha Wahines' & Kanes'!

dress ~ Boutique Victoria
sortky ~ Paris Blues
bikini ~ KiSkin