Friday, August 12, 2011

Maui No Ko 'Oi

Maui No Ka 'Oi znamena, ze Maui je neprekonatelny. Musim rict, ze je to pravda. Zapady slunce, priroda, voda, surf jako tady se nevidi vsude. A to jsem ani nebyla na Fidzi nebo Egypt nebo Seychelly, ale mluvila jsem s lidma, ktere byli na techto mistech vcetne Maui a rekli, ze opravdu to tak je. Tezko tomu neverit. Celorocne je tu 29 - 30 stupnu a v noci je tu 23 C. Dobre v noci to neni na plavky, ale na sortky a tricko. Mluvi se tu vetsinou "pidgin". Pidgin je jazyk, ktery se mluvi na Havaji a je to smes vsech jazyku prestehovalcu a gramatika je taky zjednodusena. Pokud chcete vedet vic, tak si to prectete zde.  Narodni kvet Havaje "hibiscus" je tu vsude, krasne vonici "tuberoses", a uzasny kvety "plumeria" take. Dokonce jsem i dostala lei od me zdejsi "ohana" (rodina) Rita, Steve a Uncle Herbie a uzasne voni. Vim, ze je v Cechach zima, ale doufala jsem, ze muzu prenest trochu slunce do vasich srdci.... Jak poeticke, mozna vam to spis trochu nastve :D

Maui No Ka 'Oi means Maui is unparallel. I must say it is so true. The sunsets, nature, water & surf is like no other in the World. Or so I heard from people who have been in Fidji, Egypt or even the Seychelles. They've always been much happier to return here. Hard to not believe. Year round temperature is 80 F and at night it's about 70 F. Okay fine, you can't wear a swimsuit at night, you have to put on shorts & T-shirt but I think you'd survive the cold. The people of Hawaii usually speak pidgin amongst themselves. Pidgin is a language which is a mixture of immigrants' languages and simplified english. If you want to know more, you can read about it here. The national flower of hawaii is the hibiscus which is everywhere & also the beautifully smelling tuberoses and my favorite - plumeria. I even got a beautiful lei from my local ohana (family) Rita, Steve a Uncle Herbie. 

National flower of Hawaii - hibiscus


Ranni Pristehovalec / Morning immigrant

Jeden z nekolika zpusobu jak si zavazat sarong

One of the many ways to wrap yourself up in a sarong

To je den / What a day

Perfect resting spot for the Honu's

Lei, KiSkin & Maui Jim's. I'm ready to enjoy the day!

A takhle konci den / And this is how the day ends

When in maui, always have Maui Jim's. Your day will be even more memorable than it already is....


swimsuit ~ KiSkin
eyewear ~ Maui Jim


  1. No tak to je obrovská a hnusná závist ode mě :D Ale tohle se nedá nezávidět, musí to být ráj :).

  2. To je nádhera!! :)
