To, že jsem nepsala nebylo leností. To, že jsem v minulém post nebyla úplně jasná jak jsem na tom, bylo leností. Nepřečetla jsem si post po sobe a dost lidí se mi ptalo, pokud jsem v pořádku nebo jak mi dopadla operace. Takže jsem si nejen slíbila sama sobě, ale i vám milým Broskvičkám, že si budu číst po sobě. Ale pokud tam uvidíte nějakou chybu tak si myslím, že se z toho nerozmáčknete.
Lenost nebo hibernace? Ani jedno. Psaní mi bere dost energie, a to já jsem neměla poslední týden a půl, protože i přesto, že jsem podstoupila laparaskopickou operaci a hned týden na to trachelectomii, tak musím na chemoterapii. Dvě až tři. Ble. Začala jsem s první minulý týden, což jsem na jednu stranu ráda, protože to budu mít dříve za sebou, ale zase na druhou stranu jsem z toho nebyla úplně šťastná, protože jsem nemohla na (co vypadalo jako) vydařenou akci Movember. Asi většina z vás ví, že je to měsíc věnovaná rakovině prostaty (mužská verze rakoviny co jsem měla já) a ke konci měsíce je obrovská akce v Sasazu (většinou). Tak mezi tím, co někteří jedinci zvraceli kvůli alkoholu, protože neumí pít, já jsem zvracela, protože jsem dostala svoji dávku.
Byla to moje čtvrtá dávka a důvodem proč jsem ji musela absolvovat, (plus další dvě v budoucnu) je, aby se ujistilo, že nedostanu tuto konkrétní rakovinu znova nebo aby se mi vrátila v jiné formě. Na histologii zjistili, že nádor, který byl původně ve velikosti vajíčka/ golfového míčku, tak se smrsk na velikost čočky. Ale podlehla jsem viru jednou, tak se pán profesor bojí, že bych mohla i podruhé. Takže chemoterapie je preventivní záležitost. Samozřejmě se mi nechce, ale jak se říká anglicky: "Just bite the bullet" (překlad: Prostě kousni kulku )
Vlasy pořád nemám, dokonce mi i vypadávají obočí a řasy. Možná je dokážu spočítat. Zas tak zoufale na tom nejsem. Mám jiný věci, který bych mohla dělat. Třeba si oholit hlavu. Mě tak začalo vadit, že mám mezery mezi vlasy (nebo spíš chloupky), že jsem ukradla tátovi krém na holení a jednu pěknou žiletku. Jakmile jsem si začala holit hlavu, tak jsem si přála abych měla dámský holící krém, protože mi začala šíleně pálet hlava.
It wasn't because I am lazy that I haven't been writing, although it was because I am lazy that I probably wasn't totally clear as to what had been going on during the past week and a half. I didn't read after myself. Lazy bum. So because I didn't read after myself, a lot of people have been asking if I am okay or how did my operations go. So I promised not only myself but to you sweet Peaches, that I wil read after myself.
Laziness or hibernation? Neither. Writing takes a lot of my energy and I certainly did not have that this past week and a half, for although I had a successful laparascopic surgery and a week after a cervicectomy, I still have 3 (now 2) more chemo sessions. Eew. I started with my first (or fourth) one last week, which I am happy since that means it will be over sooner. On the other hand I was quite unhappy because I couldn't go to (what looked like) a very cool Movember party. I think most of you know, that November is the month dedicated to prostrate cancer (male version of what I had) and men grow mustaches (I hope not women) to raise awarness. At the end of the month there is a huge party at Sasazu, Prague. So while Friday night people were throwing up because they don't know how to drink, I was throwing up because I got my dose.
It was my fourth dose and the reason why I have to do it, is to make sure that I will not get this particular cancer again or (so help me God), that it would come back in a different form. It shoudln't though. The results of the histology were as such, that the tumor which was previously the size of an egg/ golf ball had shrunk to the size of a lentil. But I did succumb to the virus once and the Professor is afraid I might get it again. So chemtherapy is just to make sure. of course I don't want to but as they say, "just bite the bullet".
I still don't have any hair, my eyelashes and eyebrows have been falling out. I could probably count them by now. Then again I'm not that bored. I have different things I can do. Like shave my head. It started to bother me that I have so much space between those few pieces of hair sticking up, that I had to steal my dad's shaving cream and a gillete. The minute I started shaving my head, I was sorry I didn't have ladies shaving cream. My head was on fire!
It was my fourth dose and the reason why I have to do it, is to make sure that I will not get this particular cancer again or (so help me God), that it would come back in a different form. It shoudln't though. The results of the histology were as such, that the tumor which was previously the size of an egg/ golf ball had shrunk to the size of a lentil. But I did succumb to the virus once and the Professor is afraid I might get it again. So chemtherapy is just to make sure. of course I don't want to but as they say, "just bite the bullet".
I still don't have any hair, my eyelashes and eyebrows have been falling out. I could probably count them by now. Then again I'm not that bored. I have different things I can do. Like shave my head. It started to bother me that I have so much space between those few pieces of hair sticking up, that I had to steal my dad's shaving cream and a gillete. The minute I started shaving my head, I was sorry I didn't have ladies shaving cream. My head was on fire!
drž sa!
DeleteMy Beautiful Peach :-)
ReplyDeleteJust read your post and I truly admire your strenght and openeness. Thank you for sharing such intimate details of everything you are going through. Babygirl, you are such an inspiration to all the other young girls going through this lesson, but who do not have the confidence, beauty and sense of humor about it that you do. No shit that this is some hard core growing up experience (I was 10 years older going through it and it was still a shock to me :-)), but you will come out of this as a Super Woman. NOTHING will break you after this. Use this dis-ease as a "gift" and enjoy the ride!!! You will be fine, Princess. Love you xoxox Niks
thank you Niki for everything that you gave me! You know I love you and admire you! xoxo
Deletedrz se kocko!
ReplyDeletediky CF! :)
Deletejsi krásná! a to tělem i duší. Jsi můj velký vzor a obdivuji tě jak si vše přijala, obdivuji sílu s jakou si se té nemoci postavila. Přečetla jsem si každý tvůj článek a celý blog mi velmi pomohl a inspiroval mě. MOCKRÁT DÍKY A HLAVNĚ SE DRŽ!!!
ReplyDeleteKlar dekuji ti moc! Happy 2013!!
DeleteDržím pěsti! Bude líp, uvidíš.
ReplyDeletedekuji 4jj, uz je lip, doufam, ze sis koupila Elle! :))