Thursday, June 25, 2015

Star and Key of the Indian Ocean {/məˈrɪʃəs/}

 I know it took me a bit longer to write about it, but thanks for braving it the whole time! I've been working on my diploma thesis, which has become an absolute pain in the .... butt. Then again, as my brother would say - excuses. Lame excuses. 
Mauritius is an island filled with happy people. Really. All the people I met were for the most part, very positive and having a happy feel about them. It might have to do with the fact that they live on a beautiful island. The island itself is actually quite small, being only about 2000 square km large (787 sq miles), but has an amazing landscape. It took us about 4.5 hours to fly from Maputo and the flight offered an amazing view of Madagascar. Upon landing, we weren't exactly greeted by the warmest of weather since winter has begun below the Equator. Nonetheless, our driver took us to the hotel in a minivan, island music on a TV screen included. If you want listen to the music while reading, click here. It definitely makes you feel like you need a coconut drink, laced with rum while having a campfire on the beach. Unfortunately, we were greeted by just plain juice.

Vím, že mi to trvalo trochu déle abych o tom něco napsala, ale díky, že jste byli tak trpělivý. Pracuju na své diplomové práci a je to naprosto na ... nic. Jak by řekl můj mladší bratr - výmluvy... naprosté výmluvy.
Maurícius je ostrov plno šťastného lidu. Opravdu. Většina lidu s kterýma jsem se seznamila byli plni positiva a bylo z nich cítit pocit blahobytu. Asi je to kvůli tomu, že žijí na tak krásném ostrově. Ostrov Maurícius jako takový je dost malý, s rozlohou 2000 km2, ale za to má nádhernou krajinu.
Let z Maputa nám trval zhruba 4.5 hodin a nabídl úžasný pohled na Madagaskar. Po přistání jsme nebyli zrovna vítáni nejteplejším počasím, jelikož začala zima pod rovníkem.

Well ok, so the weather wasnt that bad ...

Inu dobrá, to počasí nebylo tak špatný ...

more photos after the jump >>>
více fotek po kliknutí  zde  >>>

Entrance to the Fort of Port Louis

Mauritius Defense Force ....

Panoramic View of Port Louis

Ahh... the colonial style of Africa... Mauritius was colonized by the following: 
Arabs --> Portuguese --> Dutch (1638) --> France (1715)

Ahh... koloniální styl budov Afriky ... Maurícius byl kolonizován následujícími:
Arabové --> Portugalci --> Holanďani (1638) --> Francouzi (1715)

Mauritius is an island filled with many cultures and these cultures have also brought their religion with them. Interestingly enough, none of these religions clash with each other. They respect each other, allowing everyone to pray to whichever deity they want. You will see a synagogue placed next to a mosque and across from them will be a shrine for a Hindu deity which is placed next to a Chinese temple! So whenever someone will tell you next time that its' not possible, remember there is a small little gem in the Indian Ocean :)

Maurícius je ostrov plno různých kultur a tyhle kultury sebou přinesly své náboženství. Zajímavost je, že ani jeden z těchto kultur se mezi sebou nestřetnou. Všichni se navzájem respektuji a každý se může modlit k jakému bohovi chce. Uvidíš synagogu, která je umístěna vedle mešity a naproti bude oltář pro hinduistický božstvo, který je zas umístěn vedle čínského chrámu! Takže příště, když někdo řekne, že to není možný, vzpomeň si, že uprostřed Indického oceánu, je tento malý šperk! :)

Next stop: Le Pouce!

Le Pouce in French means "thumb" and it's the name of the 3rd highest mountain in Mauritius, standing 812m. I have never been hiking in my life, but life is about having fun and having new experiences! So off I was for my first hike ever! In converse shoes nonetheless ...

Le Pouce ve francoužštině znamená "palec" a je to jméno třetí nejvyšší hory na Maurícius a měří 812 m. V životě jsem nebyla na pěší tuře, ale život je o to, aby se člověk bavil a získal nové zkušenosti! Takže jsem šla na svůj první výšlap. Nicméně v Converskách ...

 Some local kids ditched sports day at school and decided to also climb the mountain. I'd ditch school as well if I lived on such an island...

Nejake deti se vykaslali na sportovni den ve skole a misto toho si taky vyslapali horu. Taky bych sla za skolou pokud bych bydlela na tak krasnem ostrove....

 Halfway there! / V pulce!

Port Louis
And finally ... drum roll.... The top of Le Pouce!

Amazing, amazing view....

Everyone enjoyed the view ... we all stayed for about an hour, just sitting and taking in the view

The gang including the French tourist who had so many mosquito bites on his legs you couldn't count them

I did it! / Zvladla jsem to!

Local mandarins .. not so sweet but very juicy

Inland Mauritius

Sun k*ssed in Mauritius

 * Last sunset *

If anyone ever feels like getting me a present... then this is it. So delicious! It has a caramel smell with a hint of tobacco and the taste is very smooth and almost sweet!

Pokud by nekdo nekdy chtel koupit pro me darek, tak tohle je ono. Taaak vyborny! Ma to karamelovou vuni s nadechem tabaku a chut je velice jemna a az sladka.


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