Sunday, April 14, 2013

I'm back!

So I have finally returned from my travels to my little country in central eastern Europe. How quaint and quite it is here, a mental note taken after being in the hectic world of Asia. Usually people say that they are excited to go back home or are happy to be back. I have to exclude myself from this group. I wish I could be back in Viet Nam, eating pho bo (beef noodle soup) somewhere in the busy streets of Saigon or Hoi An.
I have been back for a week or so, but so needed the time to get acclimated and also start thinking as to how am I going to write about my travels! Every day I took notes, excited to share my experience not only from Viet Nam but also Cambodia. It's not every day, that you get to hop on a plane and go to these countries. Or take a bus for that matter. Yes, I took a bus from Saigon, Viet Nam to Siem Reap, Cambodia and from Siem Reap to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh and back to Saigon. 1400 km of Cambodia under my belt. 
Instead of writing what I did on this day or that day, I'd rather if I divide my travels into different sections. People, landscape, cities/towns, ways of travel and so on. 
What I can start with is: It was an amazing adventure!
Tak jsem se uz konecne vratila ze svych cest do sve male zeme ve stredni Evrope. Je to tak zvlastni byt zpatky v tolika tichosti, coz je neco co jsem poznamenala hned pri priletu z hekticke Asie. Vetsinou lide rikaji, ze se tesi zpatky domu nebo jsou stastny byt zpatky. Sama sebe vylucuji z teto skupiny. Prala bych byt zpatky ve Viet Namu, s miskou pho bo (hovezi nudlova polevka) nekde na rusne ulici Saigonu nebo Hoi An.
Uz jsem zpatky zhruba tyden, ale potrebovala jsem cas se aklimatizovat a taky popremyslet jak napisu o svych cestach! Kazdy den jsem si delala zaznamy, a tesila jsem se az se podilim o svych zazitku nejen z Viet Namu ale i z Kambodzy. Neni to kazdy den co si skocite na letadlo a odletite do tehlech zemi. Nebo na autobus. Ano, jela jsem autobusem ze Saigonu (Viet Nam) do Siem Reap (Kambodza) a ze Siem Reap do hlavniho mesta Kambodzy, Phnom Penh a zpatky do Saigonu. 1400 km Kambodzy pod pasem.
Misto toho abych psala co jsem delala tento den nebo tamten den, tak bych radsi rozdelila sve cesty do ruznych sekci. Lide, krajina, velkomesta/mesta, zpusob cestovani a atd..
S cim muzu ale zacit: Bylo to bajecne dobroduzstvi!

I flew from Prague with Turkish Airlines. That meant I had to change in Istanbul and from Istanbul to Bangkok, Thailand. We waited an hour before they cleaned the plane and loaded Vietnamese pensioners to continue to Saigon. The worst turbulence I have experienced in my life, was when were flying over Pakistan. I wish I had some morpheme to knock me out!
Letela jsem z Prahy s Turkish Airlines. Tzn., ze jsem musela prestupovat v Istanbulu a z Istanbulu do Bangkoku, Thajsko. Tam jsme museli cekat hodinu nez uklidili letadlo a naplnili ho vietnamskymi duchodci. Nejhorsi turbulence kterou jsem zazila bylo nad Pakistanem. To jsem si prala morfia...

We stayed at the Star City Hotel in Saigon. It's near the airport which is great when you need to catch your next flight. Saigon is simply a frenzy of human and machine energy!
Volba hotelu byla Star City Hotel v Saigonu. Je to blizko  letiste coz je super kdyz potrebujes chytit dalsi let. Saigon je proste silenstvi lidske a strojove energie!

Saigon @ night

Unfortunately, I cannot go into direct sun and have to cover my body due to the chemotherapy. I need a few months or a year after my last chemo (in January) before I can go into direct sunlight. Reason? My skin is ultra sensitive due to the drugs, and I was explained what happens when you mix sun and chemo. The molecules change somehow, but that's about as much as I can remember. I'll ask again to let you peaches know!
Bohuzel nesmim na primy slunce a musim zakryvat cely telo kvuli chemoterapii. Potrebuju par mesicu az rok od posledni chemo (leden) nez muzu znovu na slunce. Duvod? Moje pokozka je ultra-sensitivni kvuli drogam a taky mi bylo vysvetleno co se stane kdyz pomichate slunce a chemo. Nejak se zmeni molekule, ale to asi tolik kolik si toho pamatuju. Zpetam se znova a dam vam peachesum vedet!

My first walk in Saigon was the next morning. A heavy tropical rain cleaned the air and made it that much more of a pleasant walk around the block.
Moje prvni prochazka v Saigon druhe rano. Prudk, tropicka dest vycistila vzduch a bylo to o to prijemnejsi prochazka okolo bloku.

The next post will be about transportation (I think). As you can see, they mostly use scooters or bikes. Hope you enjoyed the beginning!
Pristi post bude asi o transportaci. Coz vidite, ze prevazne jsou skutry nebo kola. Doufam, ze se vam libi zacatek!


  1. Krásné fotky, už se těším na vyprávění, v žádné podobné exotické zemi jsem nikdy nebyla, tak se ráda podívám alepsoň skrz tvůj blog :) moc ti to sluší :)

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